24-Hour Accident & Emergency

24 Hours Accident & Emergency
The 24-hour Accident & Emergency (A&E) of Perak Community Specialists Hospital (PCSH) is made up of a team of experienced Medical Officers, nurses who are specially trained to manage medical emergencies. On arrival at A&E, patient will be stabilised and if necessary, will be referred to our Specialist Consultants for further management. You will receive the best possible care at any time of day or night with this team of qualified & dedicated professionals.
We provide 24-hour Ambulance Services with trained paramedic and it is equipped with full resuscitation facilities. On the other hand, we are also supported by our in-house laboratory services to facilitate immediate assessment and diagnosis of patients. Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Operating Theatres and Intensive Care Units are always on-standby to facilitate further treatment in the event of critical situations.
Our A&E operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide affordable quality healthcare to all our patients.
We provide 24-hour Ambulance Services with trained paramedic and it is equipped with full resuscitation facilities. On the other hand, we are also supported by our in-house laboratory services to facilitate immediate assessment and diagnosis of patients. Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Operating Theatres and Intensive Care Units are always on-standby to facilitate further treatment in the event of critical situations.
Our A&E operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide affordable quality healthcare to all our patients.